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Everything you need to know about microdermabrasion

Written by National Skin Cancer Centres | Nov 22, 2023 3:21:00 AM

If you are considering ways to rejuvenate your skin, microdermabrasion might be the treatment you've been looking for. Let's explore what microdermabrasion is, how it works, and what to expect from your treatment.

What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to exfoliate the top layer of your skin, leaving you with a smoother, brighter, and healthier complexion. It is a popular choice for people looking to address a variety of skin concerns, such as:

  • Fine lines
  • Age spots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars

How does microdermabrasion work?

During a microdermabrasion treatment, your dermal therapist uses a specialised hand-held device to gently exfoliate the surface of your skin while a vacuum simultaneously suctions away the debris (dead skin cells and impurities).

The process is painless and typically takes less than an hour, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. There's no need for anesthesia or downtime, and you can return to your regular activities immediately after the treatment.

What are the benefits of microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion has multiple benefits for your skin. Here are the most important ones:

Skin rejuvenation

Microdermabrasion effectively removes dead skin cells, allowing new, healthier skin to surface. This results in a rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

The exfoliation process can help minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin smoother and firmer.

Improved skin texture and tone

Microdermabrasion can even out your skin's texture and tone, helping to reduce the appearance of blemishes and sun damage.

Pore size reduction

By clearing away dead skin cells and debris, microdermabrasion can make your pores appear smaller and less noticeable.

Enhanced product absorption

Exfoliating the skin's surface allows for better absorption of skincare products, maximising their effectiveness.

What to expect during and after microdermabrasion treatment

Microdermabrasion is generally safe for all skin types and colours, and it can be a suitable option for many people. However, it may not be recommended if you have certain skin conditions such as rosacea or active acne.

During the treatment, you may feel a mild scratching or vibrating sensation, but it should not be painful. Afterward, your skin might appear slightly red and feel as though you have a mild sunburn, but these effects usually subside within a day or so.

Your dermal therapist will provide post-treatment guidelines to ensure the best treatment outcome. These typically include avoiding sun exposure and applying sunscreen.

Microdermabrasion is an excellent non-invasive solution for achieving smoother, more radiant skin. As with any cosmetic procedure, it's essential to understand your specific skin needs and goals and consult with a qualified skin professional before undergoing treatment.


1. Shah M, Crane JS. Microdermabrasion. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; June 28, 2023.
2. Karimipour DJ, Karimipour G, Orringer JS. Microdermabrasion: an evidence-based review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125(1):372-377. doi:10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181c2a583
3. Abdel-Motaleb AA, Bakr RM. Microdermabrasion assisted delivery of glycolic acid 70% peel for the treatment of melasma in dark-skinned patients. Dermatol Ther. 2021;34(4):e15025. doi:10.1111/dth.15025