Skin Cancer Blog and News | National Skin Cancer Centres

Why now is a great time for a skin check

Written by National Skin Cancer Centres | Aug 17, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Winter is the perfect time to rug up, find a cosy spot by the heater, and enjoy a tasty hot chocolate. But did you know that it's also a great time for a skin check?

In the cooler months, our skin is usually covered by layers of clothes to keep us warm. This means we've had less UV exposure than usual, and our skin hasn't been subjected to much tanning or burning.

This makes it easier for our specially trained doctors to examine your skin. With no tan concealing your moles, freckles and spots, we can much more clearly identify abnormalities and changes which may indicate skin cancer.

Detecting skin cancer in its earliest stages gives you the best chance of successful treatment, and getting a skin check now is a great way to ensure you're ready for summer.

Don't forget that it's still possible to get sunburnt in winter, and sun protection is a must. Learn more about using sun protection in winter to keep your skin healthy.

With heated consultation rooms, short waiting times and no referrals required, now is a great time to see our specialised team for a skin check.

Learn more about the benefits of a winter skin check.