5 Australian celebrity skin cancer scares in 2023

Skin cancer can happen to anyone - even celebrities and public figures whose brands centre around fitness and health. Over a million skin cancers will be treated nation-wide this year, but let's have a look at some of the well-known Australians who have battled skin cancer in recent months.

Hugh Jackman has been treated for several skin cancers

"Please remember to wear sunscreen with a high level of SPF, no matter the season."

Aussie actor Hugh Jackman, aged 54, had his first skin cancer removed in 2013. He has since had at least six procedures to remove multiple basal cell carcinomas, which is the most common non-melanoma skin cancer.

Basal cell carcinomas often appear on sun-exposed areas like the face, arms and shoulders. Hugh Jackman has had at least two skin malignancies removed from his nose.

Tammy Hembrow had a melanoma on her leg

"Don’t be stupid like me and think that you’re somehow invincible, because you’re not."

Tammy Hembrow - a 29-year-old fitness influencer from the Gold Coast with over 16 million Instagram followers - revealed in June that she had a melanoma removed from her leg. She said she hoped her experience would encourage others to get more regular skin checks, after she cancelled several follow-up appointments because she "didn't have time" to see a doctor.

"I finally went and there was a new little freckle that was on the back of my leg," she said. "I went back this morning and (the doctor) had to take a big chunk out of my leg. I’ve got about 30 stitches, and now I have to go back every three months for a full skin check to make sure it isn’t coming back."

Watch Tammy's urgent warning here.

Deborah Hutton had two skin cancers on her face

"Early detection of skin cancer is everything."

Australian icon Deborah Hutton underwent major surgery in May 2020 to remove two basal cell carcinomas from her face. The surgery was successful, but she remains at high risk of future skin cancers.

The 61-year-old mod­el, media per­son­al­i­ty and mag­a­zine editor said, "This is Australia’s dis­ease, we own this." She gets her skin checked every three months to ensure any malignancies are caught early.

Deborah Knight had a skin cancer on her nose

"For anyone thinking, nah - I won’t worry with the sunscreen or I won’t need a hat, or I’ll just sunbake for a bit... look forward to this every time you get your skin checked."

Australian radio and TV presenter Deborah Knight, aged 50, revealed in 2021 that she had been treated for a skin cancer on her nose. The mother of three used her public profile to encourage others to be sun safe, telling listeners on her radio show that she is "a living reminder of why it's so important to cover up".

"I know we're always being reminded to get our skin checked regularly and to wear sunscreen and to cover up when we're in the sun, but is so important and I just want to be a living reminder to that," she said.

Gina Reinhart had a melanoma on her face

"I should remind you, please do the sun cream, hats and check-ups, which I didn’t do."

Australia's richest woman, Gina Reinhart, was crowned Western Australian of the Year 2023, and used her acceptance speech to talk about her recent skin cancer scare. The 69-year-old billionaire and mining magnate had a melanoma removed from her face just hours before the award ceremony.

Face still bruised from the procedure, she delivered a potentially lifesaving reminder to all Australians to get regular skin cancer checks.



Perth Now: https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-gossip/fitness-influencer-tammy-hembrow-has-spoken-out-about-her-recent-cancer-scare-c-10862075 

BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-65197877

Molemap: https://www.molemap.net.au/skin-cancer/my-battle-deborah-hutton

News.com: https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/please-do-the-sun-cream-gina-rineharts-powerful-message-post-cancer-scare/news-story/0389e9bd608fd20b34f180e1da2066c2 

Now to Love: https://www.nowtolove.com.au/celebrity/celeb-news/deborah-knight-skin-cancer-76643