Did you know that itchiness can be a sign of skin cancer — but not always? Let's learn more about itchy spots on the skin and when you should be concerned about a malignancy.
10 April 2024
Did you know that childhood sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer? Around 64 per cent of children are sunburnt every year, putting them at greater risk of developing skin tumours later in life. Let's explore the steps you can take to
19 March 2024
A chance recommendation from her friend saved Tahyla Newton's life. Tahyla (then 19 years old) was on holiday on Tasmania's east coast when her friend noticed a strange mole on her foot and suggested it might be skin cancer. Tahyla thought it was
28 April 2023
Do you know the signs of skin cancer? Watch this short video with Dr Nirush Rameswaran on the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer, including potentially deadly melanoma.
13 September 2022