How to remove unwanted body hair

Bodies are covered in a fine layer of hair, but sometimes this hair grows excessively long, dark or thick, and can become irritating or damaging to your self-esteem.

Sometimes, you might grow tired of shaving, waxing, plucking or threading hair growth in other areas like your legs, brows, bikini line or face.

Treatments are available to achieve permanent hair reduction or complete removal in problem areas like the face, legs, underarms, chest and bikini area, for smoother skin.

Dermaplaning B&A (1)

Treatments to remove unwanted or excessive hair


Get smooth, soft and glossy skin with fast and affordable waxing for hair removal with immediate results and hairless skin lasting up to one month.

IPL treatments

Rejuvenate your skin and free it from broken capillaries, pigmentation, rosacea and unwanted hair, with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments.


Used exclusively on the face, dermaplaning (also known as epi-blading) removes dead skin cells, debris and fine “peach fuzz” facial hair, for a smooth and bright complexion and healthier looking skin.