A chance recommendation from her friend saved Tahyla Newton's life. Tahyla (then 19 years old) was on holiday on Tasmania's east coast when her friend noticed a strange mole on her foot and suggested it might be skin cancer. Tahyla thought it was
28 April 2023
Did you know Australia has the highest melanoma rate in the world? Melanoma is the most common cancer affecting 20- to 39-year-olds. One Australian is diagnosed with the disease every 30 minutes, and one loses their life every five hours.
28 February 2023
This is the Bob Marley melanoma story. Passionate about skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment, National Skin Cancer Centres shares this story to teach about melanoma.
31 May 2022
A spontaneous decision to get a skin cancer check saved Olivia Jackson's life. Two weeks before her 21st birthday, Olivia was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma. She had been sun-safe all her life, with no personal or family history of skin cancer,
20 April 2022