Do you believe these common myths and misconceptions about skin cancer? In this short video, Dr Kerry Summerscales debunks myths she often hears about skin cancer, skin checks and sunscreen.
5 October 2022
We’ve all heard the excuses for not wearing sunscreen every day, ranging from “it’s not sunny” to “I have a natural tan” to “sunscreen makes me break out”. Everyone needs to wear sunscreen every day, no matter the weather and their skin type. There
2 December 2021
Do you know what terms like “broad-spectrum” and “SPF” mean on sunscreen labels? A recent study of nearly 500 people in the US found that many people don’t understand several key terms on sunscreen products.
5 January 2021
It’s no secret that Australians need to wear sunscreen every day, even in winter. Our skin cancer rates are the highest in the world, with over 800,000 diagnoses each year. Part of the Aussie way of life includes protecting our skin from the sun’s
10 December 2020