In this short video, Dr Kerry Summerscales explains how total body photography can be incorporated into your skin cancer check for earliest and most accurate skin cancer detection for high-risk patients.
25 August 2022
“For someone who gets their skin checked at a regular interval, your chances of running into a life-threatening melanoma are really slim.” In this short video, Dr Terry Harvey talks about why early detection of skin cancer (through regular skin
17 February 2022
Skin cancer comes in all different shapes, sizes, colours and textures. Usually, skin cancers are noticeable when they appear as a new spot on your body or when an existing mole changes in some way. Sometimes, skin cancers can resemble other lesions
5 August 2020
We are often told that a new or changing mole raises alarm bells for skin cancer. In actuality, it’s very common for people to acquire and lose moles over the course of their lifetime. Most moles are not present at birth but develop from around the
5 August 2020