Living in the country with the highest skin cancer rate in the world, skin cancer is top of mind for many Australians. After all, two thirds of us will develop the disease by the age of 70 and one Australian dies from it every five hours.
27 July 2020
It is a common misconception that people with dark skin can’t get skin cancer. While skin cancer is less prevalent in dark-skinned racial groups, people of colour can still develop the disease. In fact, the survival rate for skin cancer is much
15 July 2020
Did you know that a lot of skin cancers are completely invisible to the naked eye? Skin cancers can develop anywhere on the body - even inside your mouth or on the soles of your feet - and often don't show symptoms until an advanced stage.
29 June 2020
Did you know that skin cancer can affect anyone and occur anywhere on the body, and it often shows no symptoms until an advanced stage? Encouraging your loved ones to get a regular skin check could save their life, as detecting problems early offers
26 June 2020